How to clean a sheepskin saddle pad
Sheepskin Saddle Pad Care Instructions
Please review the care instructions below to optimize the lifespan of your Sheepskin Saddle Pad.
Regular Maintenance
Follow these steps after use:
- Give the Sheepskin the chance to stabilize by allowing it to dry between rides. (Prolonged use of a pad without proper drying may cause stretching or contorting of the leather causing damage.)
- Once dry, separate wool fibres by lightly brushing with a pet brush to help to keep the wool fluffy and resilient for the next ride.
It is not suggested to wash saddle pads in the washing machine because the ‘agitator’ can be ruff on the sheepskin and on the finely stitched quilt. Do not use the washing machine for this product as there is a potential for damage.
Things you’ll need:
- Mild soap designed for Sheepskin or Eucalan Wool wash
- A basin for cold water
Follow these steps for Washing:
- Hand wash using 5mL/1 tsp of Eucalan Wool Wash per 4L/1G of water.
- Add cold water.
- Soak pad for a minimum of 30 minutes.
- Squeeze gently so soap and water runs through all the fibers.
- Remove pad and squeeze out excess water. Do not wring as it may cause damage.
- Alternatively, remove excess water in the pad by carefully squeezing the water out or placing in your washing machine on the spin cycle ONLY.
Follow these steps for Drying:
Please do not put this pad in the dryer or on a heating device.
- Line dry out of the sun.
- Lightly stretch the pad during the drying process to avoid shrinkage.
- Once dry, separate wool fibres by lightly brushing with a pet brush.
Storing Sheepskin Saddle Pad
- Do not store a sheepskin saddle pad in a bag, box, or any other non-breathable material. Sheepskin must be able to breathe; this ensures that your sheepskin saddle pad will not dry out or be exposed to condensation.
- Be sure to store your sheepskin saddle pad in a cool, well ventilated area.
- Do not store in direct heat or sunlight.